Orientation Day
- The Faculty of Architecture and Planning and the Geomatics department provide an orientation day at the beginning of each academic year for the newly enrolled students.
- A comprehensive orientation program is provided by the Faculty of Architecture and Planning and Geomatics department for new students yearly at the beginning of 2nd year for one day
- The program with the Faculty deanship provides comprehensive orientation day for new students, ensuring their full understanding of the types of services and facilities available for them.
- This orientation provides an introduction about the department, areas of specialization, graduate characteristics, and work fields. Also, a presentation is run to show the students examples of previous years’ projects.
- During the orientation day the department introduces the Students Club to students and encourages them to participate in it. Student Club is concern with identifying and developing gifted and talented students, supports the social communication among students and other activities that intend to develop their abilities and skills.
- During the orientation day the department introduces the students are encouraged and motivated to participate in KAU’s scientific forum.
Geomatics Department orientation day’s Photos.

Last Update
9/28/2022 10:35:45 AM