Graduate Attributes:
The program graduate attributes were identified as follow:
- Critical thinking
- problem solving
- Creativity
- Teamwork
- Communication skills
- Community service
- leadership
- Deep discipline knowledge
- practical skills of Geomatics disciplines
- Scientific approach to knowledge development
- Effective responses to intellectual and social challenges
Program learning Outcomes:
- K1: Define the fundamental theoretical concepts and applications of current fields of geomatics.
- K2: Recognize geospatial data measurement, analysis, knowledge of mathematics and data adjustment.
- K3: Outline techniques, methodology and modern tools and technology to solve broadly defined geospatial problems.
- K4: Describe, design, conduct, analyze and interpret Geomatics projects.
- S1: Demonstrate the communication skills such as: writing, reading, presenting, negotiating and debating.
- S2: Demonstrate the ability to use software packages, programming languages, & digital devices relevant to Geomatics.
- S3: Predict, identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
- S4: Demonstrate critical thinking and analytical reasoning.
- S5: Analyze and management multi-dimensional data regarding future information demand and use.
- C1: Evaluate work independently and as part of a team and demonstrate leadership responsibilities.
- C2: Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibility.
Last Update
10/24/2022 11:47:12 PM